Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, Sept. 8, 2011

today is thursday. i stad in green ol day.  my teachel is miss z .  i feel happy .  i like first grad .  i love my mom.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday, August 12th

today is friday.  today we went to the beach.  yesterday was my bithday.  i am 6.

A Note from Dean

I was at the store and I got paint.  Today we goed to the beach and the pool.  My favorite part was when we were in the water.  Sometimes I'm cold.  Today I goed to Mama's house.  Yesterday I goed to Southwicks Zoo and I saw giraffes.  I like when we saw the giraffe best.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

At StoryLand

at storyland we went on the pirate ship.  my favorite part was when i went on the log flume.  we went on the polercoaster. i saw alex and kyle.  i slept in a bunkbed and alex did to.  we went on the swonbot. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother Day

i luv mommy. she givs me kisis . today is sunday.  today we had a porty.  i felt happy.  today we went to a playgrawnd.  and aftr we playd at the playgrawnd we went on a hike. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

easter weekend

i throd up 7 tims last night and 1tim yestrday and that maks 8.  the easter bunny brot me a jeele bene box.

Friday, April 22, 2011


i went to impossible dream playground.  i saw alex.  i workt on my puzl.  mommy maed chokolot cupcaks for easter.  i feld happy.

Monday, April 18, 2011

a note from dean

today i feel sick.  i have a cough.  it makes me take medicine.  suck my fingers a lot.  i'm tired but i don't want to take another nap. 


today i am going to t-ball.  me and dean and melia went to two plagrawnds. at mamas houes i play the fone.  at the playgraond diego was here and i met a new friend namd michael.  befor dean woke up i playd the computer.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

a note from dean

when i was at the zoo i saw an elephant and i saw no giraffes.  i ate a sandwich and a big ice pop.  my pop falled down.  when i was at the playground i was playing with drew on the firetruck and i was happy.  when i was going home i saw some big planes and motorcycles and police cars.  it was so cool and i couldn't believe it. 


today i went to the zoo and i went to the gilbert stuart museum.  we saw fish swiming up the rivr.  on the path of the museum we saw a snake.  we went to the playgrawnd.  i felt happy.  a truck krasht into a tree.  at the zoo we saw elefant and bison and audads. in the car i ate popkorn.  my favorit part was wen we were at the museum. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

a note from dean

Today I had fun with Miss Michelle.  I was actually doing the dinosaur book and playing with Melia. 
We love when the ice cream truck goes down our street.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

today is wednesday.   yestrday strling throd up and ben told me that.  today we painted are birdfeedrs.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Saturday and Sunday

at new york i saw a big ty rex.  i was happy.  when i was at the playgrawnd i was kliming the chan stairs.  at dinnr i ate some bred with butr.  i did not like when dean turnd the star lit off.  on sunday i had some ise krem.  and i likt when we were going into the muzam.  when we were going to the muzam we saw alot of pigeins and i saw 2 skwrls i also saw a lot of taxi kabs and we saw los of bots.

a note from dean

When I was at the playground today, I was holding hands with Melia and I was going up the slide with Melia. 

In NY, I saw the big T-Rex and the Stegasaurus too.  I saw the Triceratops.  I was excited to go to Chris and Ruowen's house too.  When I turned off the star light Drew was like, "Dean, turn the lights on right now."  Melia kept waking up everybody, but we all fell back asleep.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

today is thursday.  tomorow is pugamu day.  we will read ol day.  i wot to bring bube.  this weckend we aer going to new york site.  i wot to see the dinosors.

a note from dean

When I was watching a show, I had to go pick up Drew.  We turned off the tv.  That's it. -dean

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

today mr panikoff and ms jen got in a kar axsident.  mrs pagliaro had  a sor throt.  today is tuesday.  mommy and daddy are seing mrs b  tonit.  i am happy bekus i am going bak to school.

a note from dean

When I was at the dentist, she cleaned my teeth and I didn't have cavities.  She gave me a bag and some toothpaste.  I also got a green toothbrush.

I played with Greta downstairs and she was scared because she saw Woody and Buzz who make noise.  I was hiding when Greta came.  I said, "I'm right here!" and I played with Greta.  She had lunch with me; we had pasta and a drink.  ~dean

Monday, April 4, 2011


today is monday.  today i lernd about area.  i sat with trey at lunch.  i went to the book fair 10:30-11.  We had indoor reses.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

a note from dean

i love mommy.  i was trying to go poopoo at mama's.  when i was getting home i bringed some easter things up on the wall. -dean


today is saturday.  today we went to the skatr park.  we did our biks.  we went to mama hows bekus dean had to go poopoo.  julie is coming today at 7 pm.  today  we went to kite tals for leylas birthday.  we ate a cupcake.  we ate pesu. we playd and had lots of fun.  i playd with dean. me and dean were triing to get diego and his fren. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011


today it is arts night.  mrs.j teaches us vowels.  at recess we played familee.  i liked mi sandwich.  at the end uv the day i red a book.  i ate in the clasrom with kaden.  that was mi day.  

tomorow is friday.  


i am going to school.  today i am having mrs. j.  yesterday was wednesday.